Code of Conduct WA

//Code of Conduct WA

Code of Conduct WA

WA Government Code of Conduct – National Code of Conduct

The National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers sets out a range of minimum standards for health practitioners not regulated by AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency).  This National Code, agreed to by the former Australian Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council in April 2015, is enacted or intended to be by every Australian state and territory.

Whilst Kinesiology is a self-regulating profession via the AIK Ltd and AKA Inc (the two peak professional governing bodies).  Kinesiologists have a choice if they become a member of these peak professional governing bodies.  As a member of the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Limited (AIK Ltd) I am required to comply with our Code of Ethics and Conduct, have Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance, a current First Aid and complete Continuous Professional Education (CPE) yearly.

The WA Code of Conduct information can be found on their website http://Home – Code of Conduct (

Or you can ask me for a copy of the information, or any concerns you may have by emailing

By |2023-08-30T05:40:27+00:00August 30th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments